Sunday, April 21, 2013

My Hatred for Humanity

I spent so many hours admiring this family that I was heartbroken when they did not accept me. I vowed to hate man kind for the rest of my life because they judged me based on appearance and refused to accept me for who I was. I had not harmed anyone and yet people still hated me. The more I thought the angrier I got. I became filled with rage and even burned down the family's cabin. I then sought out revenge against Victor, my creator. I hated him for not only creating me how I was, but for also abandoning me.  As I started my journey to find my creator I stumbled upon a young girl drowning. I managed to pull her out of the water, saving her life. Even though I had just save her, I was immediately shot by a man because he believed I was a monster trying to attack her. Even when I did something good I was still viewed as evil.

As I approached Geneva I stumbled upon a young boy. I realized that he was young and that if anyone would accept me it would be him. I grabbed him and told him that he was going to live with me. Immediately he started screaming how I was a hideous monster and that he was going to get his father, Frankenstein. It was then I realized that this young boy was my creator's brother. I knew that his death would cause Victor great grief and it was then that I strangled him to death.

Some time passed before I was able to confront Victor and ask him to create me another monster, a female just for me. If not I said I would seek revenge on him and his whole family.

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