Sunday, April 21, 2013

Back to Frankenstein s Blog: The Journey Begins

After hearing the monster's story I was given a choice: either make him a female monster or he would seek revenge in my whole family. He tried tell me that it was my responsibility was the creator to make another monster for him . He also said that he was lonely and that if I made him another monster he would leave me alone for the rest of my life. This was a very tempting offer and I decided to agree to it. The monster was pleased with my answer left me to begin my creation.

I put off creating a new monster for awhile, thinking about if I should actually do it. To complete this task I would have to travel to England and leave my family and Elizabeth, my wife to be. My father wanted me to marry Elizabeth, but I felt I had to first complete my project. I promised as soon I was returned Elizabeth and I would finally get married. I arranged to have Henry Clerval accompany on my two year journey so I would have a companion and so that he could finish his studies as well.

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