Monday, April 15, 2013

Dr. Victor Frankenstein: My Story Begins

My obsession of science came when I was young. I started studying Natural Philosophy, which triggered my interest in human life. I was fascinated in the idea of a philosopher's stone and dreamed of finding a cure for diseases and creating life eternal. I dreamed of the "glory [that] would attend the discovery, if i could banish disease from the human frame, and render man invulnerable to any, but a violent death." I bestowed my ideas to my life long friend and lover Elizabeth. I trusted her with my secret and she eagerly agree.

I spent the next years of my life obsessed with this goal. The more I read, the more I became fascinated. I meticulously studied the human body, inspecting all the organs and the human frame. To understand life, I had to first understand death. I learned how the body decayed and figured out the causes. I had conducted hundreds of studies and it looked like that I could be the one to discover the secret of life.

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