Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Our Conversations

I have become very fond of the stranger on my ship. We are constantly talking to each other and I am amazed at his wisdom. He has made some suggestions about my journey, which I will take into great consideration.  I once mentioned my desire to find a friend and he agreed with me saying, "I agree with you in believing that friendship is not only a desirable, but a possible acquisition." (pg. 16)

We continued to speak and one day he came up to me saying that he was once like me. He told me he too sought glory and wisdom and that his strange experiences would relate to mine. I said I did not need his story, but he persisted I heard his story. He was very serious about this so I decided I should try to learn from his mistakes and it would be interesting to learn about his life at the same time.

I will now start posting excerpts from Dr. Victor Frankenstein's (the stranger) blog.

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