Sunday, April 21, 2013

I Spiral Into Depression

"Nothing is more painful to the human mind, than, after the feelings have been worked up by a quick succession of events, the dead the calmness of inaction and certainty which follows, and deprives the soul both of hope and fear." (pg. 69) Innocent Justine was dead because I did not have the courage to speak. This haunted my thoughts for weeks, depriving me of sleep and filling me with guilt. My goal was to accomplish this impossible feat, but instead I created this horrible being. I was filled with guilt and every waking moment was spent thinking how I was responsible. I quickly spiraled down into depression and even contemplated suicide. My father sensed that I had slipped into depression and decided to take my family on a trip to the mountains.

The valley of Chamounix was beautiful and helped clear my thoughts. It was nice to finally leave my father's house, the place of mourning, and venture out into the countryside. I got to spend time with Elizabeth, my love since I was young. I had been secluded from my family for years during my experiments  but now it was nice to be back in their lives. It was nice to Ernest back in high spirits as well as Elizabeth and my father. We arrived back in to the cabin exhausted. We all retired to our bedrooms, but I could not sleep. I stayed up for many more hours staring at Mount Blanc, watching the storm fill the valley.

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