Sunday, April 21, 2013

Returning to Robert Walton's Blog: Victor's Final Moments

I finally understood how he landed on our boat. Victor had been chasing his monster, seeking revenge. It seemed like a game to the monster, leaving him hints and clues where to go next. Now Victor laid in my cabin on the verge of death. I felt sorry for this man who had lost everything that mattered to him in his life. I briefly left the cabin and when I returned there was an enormous figure looming over Victor's dead body. I looked at the monster, but had to turn away from him because of his hideousness. The monster looked at me and exclaimed "This is also my victim! In his murder my crimes are consummated." I talked to the monster, telling him he is a hypocrite for making Frankenstein lonely. He yelled at me saying all he ever wanted was affection, but he never got it. He said that he will be forever alone and will never get any sympathy.

I stared at him, fearing the worst. I had no idea what he was going to do. I did expect what he would say next. "Fear not that I shall be the instrument of future mischief. My work is nearly requires my own sacrifice." (pg. 190) Before I knew it he had already jumped off the ship and was swept away into the waves on his way to his death.

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