Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Monster's Story Begins

When I was brought to life I was overcome with sensations. "I saw, felt heard and smelt, at the same time; and it was, indeed, a long time before i learned to distinguish between the operations of my various senses" (pg. 80) I wandered aimlessly not knowing what to do until thirst and hunger took over. I found some berries which I ate and drank from a nearby brook. By this point I was exhausted and fell asleep. When I awoke I was cold and did not know what to do. I wandered until I stumbled upon a cloak on the ground. The cloaked helped, but  i was still cold. Many days passed until I stumbled upon a fire. I was delighted to find that this thing warmed me and tried to pick it up, only to have it burn my hand. I examined the fire and realized that wood would make the fire burn. The next morning I awoke and discovered that I could heat my food with the fire.

I ventured more into the country side until I stumbled upon a cabin. The was a man in the cabin and as soon as he saw me he fled. I ate his food and then proceeded to another village where, just like the old man, everyone fled at the sight of me. I decided that it was better for me to not be seen so I decided to hide next to a cottage in a hovel. This was where I met the family.

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