Sunday, April 21, 2013

My Life Changes Forever

I will never forget this dreary night in November. I was my laboratory staring down at the lifeless body before me. It was the final step of my experiment, bringing the creature to life. Suddenly, "I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature open; it breathed hard, and a convulsive motion agitated its limbs." (pg. 38-39). I stared in awe at the monster, but my awe quickly turned into disgust. I realized that I had created this horrible, repulsive creation. What I once thought was beautiful quickly turned into a hideous beast. I sprinted out of the room and quickly made my way to the bedroom. I tried sleeping it off, but was soon awoken by a wretched face staring over me with one hand outstretched. I rushed out of my house, avoiding this monster I had created. I hid in the streets for awhile until I knew for certain that the monster had left.

I thought this would be the last I ever saw of my monster, but I was mistaken. I had almost completely forgot about the monster until I received the letter from my father. One night when my father went walking with my niece and two brothers, Ernest and William. Apparently Ernest and William had ran ahead as my father stayed behind. After a few minutes Ernest returned asking where William was. This sent the entire town into a panic, searching all night for my beloved brother. It was not until the next morning that William was found lifeless, lying on the ground with fingerprints around his neck.

This haunted me for days because I knew who did this. I wanted to be wrong, but deep down I knew that i was responsible for it because it was my monster who had murdered him. I wanted to tell my father, but for some reason I could not. This lead to the unfair prosecution of Justine, an innocent girl convicted and executed for a crime she did not commit. I never imagined that the monster, my creation, would appear back in my life and play a part in the deaths of two people I love.

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